Back to School: A Guide for Parents of Children with Autism

Back to school can be a difficult time of transition for children with autism. Here are some tips to help ease the process:

Communicate with the school: Maintain open and constant communication with teachers and other school professionals.

Prepare your child: Talk to your child about going back to school in advance, using simple language and visual aids.

Rehearse the routine: Simulate school situations at home to familiarize your child with the new environment.

Collaborate with the therapist: Work together with your child’s therapist to generalize the skills learned in therapy to the school setting.

Offer emotional support: Listen to your child, validate their feelings and offer the support they need.

We help your child have a successful return to school! Contact us to design an individualized support plan that includes:

Training for school staff: So they can implement effective support strategies.

Curricular adaptations: To ensure that your child can access the curriculum.

Social support: To encourage interaction with peers.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need more information!